about me

Since his teenage years, Christian has been interested in wildlife & nature and when he was nineteen years old, he picked up his camera to never put it down again.
Traveling through, amongst others, Kenya, Tanzania, Alaska, Yellowstone, Arizona, Australia and all over Europe he has captured a great diversity of mammals, birds, landscapes and macro.
While driving on the endless plains of Africa, looking for bears in North America, watching small birds on feeding stations or waiting for hours and hours in a small hide in the Dutch forests for wild-boars to show up, Christian always tries to capture the pureness and emotion of the wildlife, resulting in magnificent pictures.
As a devoted photographer, Christian is planning on many more beautiful and inspiring journeys across the world.
Beauty can be seen in all things, seeing and composing the beauty is what separates the snapshot from the photograph
Christian Biemans Photography is registred at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce under number 57575916.